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Reduced Crew Operations in the News

12 September 2024  |  Seattle King5

Door Plug Blowout

12 September 2024  |  NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News – Close Call on Runway (6:20 mark)

16 May 2024  |  Air Line Pilots Association, International

Transportation Unions Oppose Corporate Push to Remove Pilots from Flight Deck

15 April 2024  |  BusinessDay

Why pilots are always two in the cockpit

4 April 2024  |  IFALPA

Two Pilots, One Priority: Elevating Flight Safety (PDF)

8 Dec 2023  |   Air Line Pilots Association, International

eMCO: A Threat to Commercial Aviation Safety

7 Dec 2023  |   Air Line Pilots Association, International

Made in the EU: Reduced-Crew Operations

30 Nov 2023  |   Air Line Podcast

Podcast: The Risks of Reduced Crew Operations

30 Nov 2023  |   Air Line Pilots Association, International

eMCO: A Threat to Commercial Aviation Safety

30 Nov 2023  |   Air Line Pilots Association, International

Austin Encounter Highlights Importance of Two Pilots on the Flight Deck

14 Nov 2023  |   Asian Aviation

Passengers reject single-pilot flights: new polling

9 Nov 2023  |   CNN This Morning

Delta CEO Says He Would Never Get on a Plane Without At Least Two Pilots

5 Sept 2023  |   Politico

Planemakers look to a pilotless future

June 2023  |   Air Line Pilot

ALPA Leaders Weigh In on Runway Incursions

May 2023  |   Air Line Pilot

A Call to Action Heard Around the World

4 May 2023  |   Toronto Sun and CTV News

Pilots decry industry push for solo flying

29 Mar 2023  |   International Transport Workers' Federation

ITF & ETF Stand with Pilots over Safety Threat

27 Mar 2023  |   Air Line Pilots Association, International

Global Pilot Leaders Unite to Keep Two Pilots on the Flight Deck

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Media Contacts

ECA: Kameliya Encheva

IFALPA: Emily Bitting


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